The Next Level
One-on-one career coaching for people looking for more than just a nine-to-five job
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This program gives you the support, confidence, and strategy you need to explore new options and find the career that you love.
You feel undervalued and unappreciated in your current role, and are considering making a change (even if you don’t quite know what that looks like just yet).
You’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start when it comes to finding a new job, especially online.
You want someone who can personally guide you and be your cheerleader on the stressful job search journey.
You’re completely happy with your current job and the status quo.
You’re not willing to try something new and think outside the box.
You want something different but aren’t willing to show up and make it happen. We don’t apply to jobs for you, we teach you the process of finding your dream job and how to be the successful candidate.
The Next Level Way

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The job search process isn’t easy; it puts you out of your comfort zone, makes you feel vulnerable and it can be incredibly emotional. There is no easy shortcut to figuring out what you want and how to go after it.
You deserve to love your job
I’m here to support you when you’re ready.
As an experienced recruiter, I give you a modern approach to your career search. The job market is a competitive space and I let you in on the “recruiter’s secrets” to position yourself ahead of the competition. I focus on getting you into the mindset to believe in your achievement and increase your confidence while giving you the tactical tools to secure the job you’re worth!
You could think you only need the tactical tools like a Resume or a LinkedIn Refresh, however, once we chat, you may realize you could use assistance with other items like recognizing your achievements, actively targeting roles that align with what you really want and negotiating like a pro to get paid what you’re worth. My recommendation? Book a discovery call. Let’s chat!
Not yet. Right now, I am focused on the one-to-one relationship to get you customized results.
Yes, I offer remote coaching. I have partnered with people around the world including Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
No. This program is meant to teach you the skills and confidence you need to own your job search. I will show you how to find available jobs and apply to them in a way that will position yourself ahead of your competition.
Alright, not a question but often something that I hear my clients say. It’s okay to be nervous… It means that you are in the right place and ready to level up. It’s normal to feel anxious (yet excited) when you’re about to try something you've never done before. This is why I partner with you to help overcome these challenges. I am here to support you. You have been doing it alone before and now it’s time to do it together to make a difference!