Are you feeling stuck in your career?
Your dream job is a conversation away.
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I let you in on “recruiter’s secrets” to take the mystery out of the job search and put you in control to get the career you want.
It’s time to get out of your head and learn the practical tools you need to advance your career and get what you deserve.
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I landed my “dream job” ... only to realize it wasn’t what I wanted.
Growing up, I was an ambitious little girl determined to be CEO of Procter and Gamble. Fast forward to my first corporate job at a large advertising agency, and it didn’t take me long to realize the vibe of the role was nothing that I thought it would be.
Within weeks of starting the job, I found myself dreading every Monday morning when I had to sit down at my desk and log into my computer.

I wasn’t sure what I would do next - until I landed an interview at a recruitment firm.
Was it scary changing industries and being outside of my comfort zone? You bet! However, 15 years later, my passion for getting people into their dream job continues.
My focus is on connecting people and companies together - like a professional match-maker!
My experience covers everything from recruiting for large tech companies all the way to smaller recruitment firms. I’ve coached individuals and placed them in roles across North America, Europe and Australia.
Everyday I’m grateful to help put people back in control of their career. Life changes and so does what people want. I enjoy being there to support my clients to take the next step.

15 years of recruitment experience
Chartered Professional in Human Resources
Change Management Certified
Degree in Communication Studies
Find your dream job
You deserve to love what you do for 40 hours a week.
The reality is that your company isn’t magically going to start appreciating you, valuing you, and paying you what you’re worth. You have to ask for it or find something new.
The good news is that you can learn how to ask for what you want at your job ... or find a new one! Let me help you.